- 学分
- 科币
- 工分
- 在线时间
- 小时
- 注册时间
- 2010-9-21
***************************** Offer Rain by School ***********************
----------------------------- United States -----------------------------
spaceenter 02/05 Phys HEP&N@0604 FEL $2400/m
qingmingtu 02/05 Phys CMP@0600 FEL 代报
dodoro 02/13 Phys T@0604 RA
xieqian 02/27 AA PL@0504 RA,$2148/m master
1 Stanford
Thorongil 02/22 AP CMP@06SGY $2580/m RA
elfzlx 02/22 AP CMP@0602 $2580/m RA
liubo 02/24 Phys CMP@0602 TA
qingmingtu 02/24 Phys CMP@0602
xieqian 03/03 ME PL@0504 AD
3 Caltech
qingmingtu 02/23 Phys CMP@0600
3 Harvard
liubo 02/10 Phys CMP@0602 FEL
3 Princeton
qingmingtu 02/20 Phys CMP@0600
6 UCBerkeley
girly 01/22 Phys CMP@0602 RA 代报
7 Cornell
Thorongil 01/30 Phys CMP@0600 FEL $25200/1st year
elfzlx 02/12 AP CMP@0602
fairyer 02/12 AP FEL
xieqian 02/12 AP P@0504 FEL
xhuang 02/20 AP CMP@0602
sunshinewyx 03/20 ECE PL@0604
8 Chicago
coldyellow 02/11 Chem CMP@0602
jessiezj 03/02 Phys PL@0604 TA,$2250/m
nuclearman 03/08 Phys CMP@0602
huiui 03/09 Astro 北美申请
milanist 01/08 MSE CMP@0602 RA, $20625/y
liubo 01/19 MSE CMP@0602 RA, 未指定导师
Thorongil 02/20 Phys CMP@06SGY TA, $20000/11
qingmingtu 02/20 Phys CMP@0600 FEL,$50000/y
11 Columbia
qingmingtu 02/23 Phys CMP@0600 FEL,$30,667
Abey 02/23 Phys T@0604 FEL,$30,667
avive 02/23 Phys CMP@0602 FEL,$30,667
11 Yale
qingmingtu 02/24 Phys CMP@0600
13 UMich
sauronwang 02/25 EE PL@0604 RA,$2139/m
Abey 02/27 Phys T@0604
dodoro 02/27 Phys T@0604
avive 02/17 Phys CMP@0602 FEL,$2086.75/9ms RA
13 UMD
DannyCui 01/06 BP CMP@06SGY
coldyellow 01/06 BP CMP@0602
lizimeng 02/04 BP AMO@0604 $16297/9ms+$4500+$5000
spaceenter 03/05 Phys HEP&N@0604 TA
qudanru 03/05 Phys CMP@0602 TA
stupig 03/05 Phys AMO@0600 TA
13 UPenn
zhshiowen 02/06 Chem CMP@0602
coldyellow 02/06 Chem CMP@0602
KingPotter 01/20 BP CMP@06SGY FEL,$27500/y
supernano 03/05 Phys HEP&N@0604 FEL
sauronwang 02/26 MAE PL@0604 FEL,$2500/m
16 UT-Austin
bobzhao 03/16 Phys HEP&N@0604 TA,$16550
luoluoyehua 03/18 Phys CMP@0602
16 UW-Madison
zhshiowen 02/12 Chem CMP@0602 TA
sunshinewyx 03/20 ECE PL@0604
20 JHU
supernano 03/06 Phys HEP&N@0604
qudanru 03/06 Phys CMP@0602
mdqt 03/06 Phys
jimohuakai 03/13 Phys CMP@0602
20 CU-Boulder
huiui 02/10 Astro 北美申请
jessiezj 03/02 Phys PL@0604 TA/RA+6000
bobzhao 03/02 Phys HEP&N@0604 TA/RA+6000
vincent 03/02 Phys PL@0600 TA/RA+6000
candyna 03/02 Phys CMP@0602 TA/RA+6000
sauronwang 03/02 Phys PL@0604 TA/RA+5000
xfrthtj 03/02 Phys O@0602 TA/RA+6000
yfshen 03/06 Phys HEP&N@0604
sunshinewyx 03/20 Phys PL@0604
20 UW-Seatle
liubo 01/22 Phys CMP@0602 TA+RA+intern+$5000
vincent 02/28 EE PL@0600
23 PSU
pyfish 02/13 Phys CMP@0600 TA+RA $24705/y
avive 02/13 Phys CMP@0602 $25,438/y
oRoad 02/19 Astro Astro@0622
milanist 02/19 Phys CMP@0602
ludaweidavid 02/19 Phys O@0602
23 UMN
milanist 01/30 MSE CMP@0602 $25,500/y
coldyellow 01/30 MSE CMP@0602
26 Northwestern
oRoad 02/19 Astro Astro@0622 $26000
stupig 03/06 Phys AMO@0600 RA
26 OSU
sunshiness 02/18 Phys CMP@0602 $1478 or 1908/m
avive 02/18 Phys CMP@0602 $1478 or 1908/
psicv 02/21 CP CMP@0602
26 Rutgers
bobzhao 02/17 Phys HEP&N@0604 TA,$24961
ludaweidavid 02/17 Phys O@0602 TA
29 Brown
supernano 03/04 Phys HEP&N@0604
zhangzhirang 03/05 Phys CMP@0602 TA,$19500+$6000
29 CMU
jimohuakai 03/18 Phys CMP@0602 $2000/m
29 Duke
liubo 02/10 Phys CMP@0602 FEL+TA
ninez 02/12 Phys CMP@0502 FEL+TA
bobzhao 02/12 Phys HEP&N@0604 FEL+TA
supernano 02/12 Phys HEP&N@0604 FEL+TA
Thorongil 02/12 Phys CMP@06SGY FEL+TA
Abey 02/12 Phys T@0604 FEL+TA
Veronicafly 02/12 Phys CMP@0602 FEL+TA
29 MSU
29 Rice
qudanru 02/18 AP CMP@0602 $24000/y
zangtw 02/18 AP O@0600 $26000/y
sstc 03/17 Phys CMP@0602
stupig 03/17 Phys AMO@0600
29 UC-Davis
longdeway 02/20 Phys HEP&N@0604 TA,$16640/9ms
yfshen 02/20 Phys HEP&N@0604
29 UCI
zhija 02/23 BME O@0602
36 Boston U
sstc 02/04 Phys CMP@0602 TA,$18400+$9200
bobzhao 03/06 Phys HEP&N@0604 TA,$18800+$9400
36 GIT
wsd 12/15 MSE RA, $24000/y NA申请
milanist 03/02 Phys CMP@0602 $23000/y
sunshiness 03/02 Phys CMP@0602 $23000/y
BigBang 03/02 Phys O@0602 $23000/y
36 Purdue
huiui 02/05 Astro 北美申请
Chard 02/12 ECE O@0602 AD
ludaweidavid 02/12 ECE O@0602 AD
yfshen 02/16 Phys HEP&N@0604 TA,$16,612/9ms
36 U Florida
BigBang 02/17 Phys O@0602
sunshiness 02/17 Phys CMP@0602
jimohuakai 02/17 Phys CMP@0602
avive 02/17 Phys CMP@0602
flymelody 03/20 ME AD
36 UNC
lizimeng 02/11 Phys AMO@0604 TA, $22,080/y
36 UVa
llcty 02/27 Phys O@0602 TA,$22900/y
bobzhao 03/01 Phys HEP&N@0604 $17900+5000
milanist 03/05 Phys CMP@0602
42 NYU
42 U Arizona
oRoad 02/25 Phys Astro@0622 TA+FEL
gongtengz 03/04 Phys TA
42 Rochester
llcty 02/11 O O@0602 半奖
bobzhao 03/02 Phys HEP&N@0604 $18000/9m
qudanru 03/02 Phys CMP@0602 $18000/9m
supernano 03/02 Phys HEP&N@0604 $18000/9m
45 IUB
veronicafly 02/24 Phys CMP@0602
zhangzhirang 02/24 Phys CMP@0602
sstc 02/24 Phys CMP@0602 $15,275/y
psicv 02/24 Phys CMP@0602
xhuang 02/24 Phys CMP@0602
maningmn 02/24 Phys CMP@0602
jimohuakai 02/24 Phys CMP@0602
Radian 02/24 Phys CMP@0602
likec 02/24 Phys HEP&N@0604
llcty 02/24 Phys O@0602
whoever 02/24 Phys CMP@0602
supernano 02/24 Phys HEP&N@0604
fenghuo 02/24 Phys CMP@0602
madcpf 02/24 Phys HEP&N@06SGY
FUNKYK 03/07 Phys HEP&N@0604
jszr 03/11 Phys A&M@0604
chzlabcd 03/11 Phys HEP&N@0604
flymelody 03/02 Phys CMP@0600
zangtw 03/05 Phys O@0600 TA,$2000/m
janp 03/05 Phys T@0604 TA,$1850/m
likec 03/09 Phys HEP&N@0604 TA,$1850/m
48 ASU
jyqwerty 03/09 Phys HEP&N@0604
lizimeng 03/09 Phys AMO@0604 TA,$15631+FEL
ytli 03/09 Phys CMP@0602
miaor 03/09 Phys CMP@0602
48 FSU
Dube 03/18 ME TW+RA, $20545
48 Iowa SU
ludaweidavid 02/15 O@0602 TA
maningmn 03/06 Phys CMP@0602
sstc 03/06 Phys CMP@0602
emot 03/06 Phys TA,$1600/m
aichi 03/06 Phys T@0604 TA,$1600/m
ytli 03/09 Phys CMP@0602
jszr 03/13 Phys TA,$1600/m
asdfly 02/12 NE PL@0604 $22,800/year
jyufei 03/10 Phys CMP@0602
miaor 03/10 Phys CMP@0602
48 UMass
stupig 01/28 Phys AMO@0600 TA, $18000/y
flymelody 03/13 Phys CMP@0600 TA+Sum $18063
48 UPitts
ytli 03/03 Phys CMP@0602
madcpf 03/03 Phys HEP&N@06SGY
BigBang 03/03 Phys O@0602
miaor 03/03 Phys CMP@0602
whoever 03/03 Phys CMP@0602
bobzhao 03/03 Phys HEP&N@0604
yfshen 03/03 Phys HEP&N@0604
fenghuo 03/03 Phys CMP@0602
SMTP 03/03 Phys CMP@0602
maningmn 03/19 Phys
48 USC
ninez 02/12 EE CMP@0502 FEL
48 WUStL
huiui 01/25 Astro 北美申请
vincent 01/29 EE EE@0600 26950/y
aangel 02/04 Phys CMP@0602 FEL+TA
pyfish 02/04 Phys CMP@0600 FEL $2,167/m
TMT 02/04 Phys CMP@0602 FEL+TA, $2,167/m
56 Case Western
zhangzhirang 02/11 Phys CMP@0602 TA, $22,140
Rowling 02/12 Phys CMP@0602 TA
ludaweidavid 02/12 Phys O@0602 TA
xfrthtj 02/12 Phys O@0602 TA
56 Dartmouth College
56 RPI
sunshiness 02/27 Phys CMP@0602
BigBang 03/03 Phys O@0602
56 UI
Igentleman 02/13 Phys $17850
56 Notre Dame
axin 03/06 Phys TA,$17500
DannyCui 03/06 Phys CMP@06SGY $17500
56 Oregon
llcty 03/13 Phys O@0602 TA
56 Utah
zhangzhirang 02/23 Phys CMP@0602 TA,$12,107
56 Vanderbilt
64 Brandeis
64 UCR
jyqwerty 02/20 Phys HEP&N@0604
byan 02/20 Phys
likec 02/20 Phys HEP&N@0604
sstc 02/20 Phys
yfshen 02/20 Phys HEP&N@0604
ferrero 02/23 Phys
chzlabcd 03/02 Phys HEP&N@0604
aangel 03/09 Phys CMP@0602
BigBang 03/09 Phys O@0602
fanxinglian 03/13 Phys HEP&N@0604
64 UConn
64 VT
XPS 02/23 Phys CMP@0602
SuperZhu 02/23 Phys HEP&N@0604
tchcheng 02/26 Phys O@0602 $24000/y
orisis 02/26 Phys PL@0604 $24000/y
68 College of William & Mary
sapphirewoo 03/12 Phys AMO@0604 $22008/y
fanxinglian 03/12 Phys HEP&N@0604 $22008/y
xiaowy 03/18 Phys $22000/y
candyxu 03/21 Phys CMP@0602
68 Colorado State U
68 Northeastern
68 Rockefeller
68 Syracuse
SuperZhu 03/11 Phys HEP&N@0604 TA,$20010/y
fanxinglian 03/11 Phys HEP&N@0604 TA,$20010/y
68 U Delaware
ffbb 03/09 Phys TA,$23,000
jyufei 03/09 Phys CMP@0602 TA,$23,000
68 UI-Chicago
chzlabcd 02/23 Phys HEP&N@0604 TA
76 Louisiana State U
Chard 02/17 Phys O@0602 $18500
jyqwerty 02/17 Phys HEP&N@0604 $18500
XPS 02/17 Phys CMP@0602 $21500
likec 02/17 Phys HEP&N@0604 $21500
whoever 02/17 Phys CMP@0602 $21500
miaor 02/17 Phys CMP@0602
76 U Georgia
76 U Hawaii
76 U Tennessee
80 Ohio U
80 Tufts
80 SUNY-Buffalo
miaor 02/24 Phys CMP@0602
jszr 03/11 Phys A&M@0604 TA,$16500/y
80 U Missouri-Columbia
80 U Nebraska-Lincoln
jszr 03/11 Phys A&M@0604 $19800/y
80 Washington State U
jszr 02/16 Phys TA,$1675/m
86 Boston College
xuxucmkox 01/29 CMP T@0604 $22000/y
hlqkevin 01/30 CMP AMO@0604
jessiezj 02/02 CMP PL@0604 $22000/y
xiaowy 02/02 CMP PL@0604
86 Colorado School of Mines
86 Kansas State U
86 Lehigh
86 U Central Florida
86 U Houston
jyqwerty 03/18 Phys HEP&N@0604
fanxinglian 03/18 Phys HEP&N@0604 TA
86 U Kansas
86 U Kentucky
miaor 03/04 Phys CMP@0602
xuxucmkox 03/04 Phys T@0604 TA $17000/y
86 U New Mexico
95 Auburn
95 Drexel
95 IIT
95 Oregon State U
95 U Alabama-Huntsville
95 Kent State U
chzlabcd 01/26 Phys HEP&N@0604 $18000/9ms+$2000FEL
sxxabigail 03/17 BP PL@0604 |